Wednesday, April 6, 2011

That Evening Palace

Every day I sign-out my office in the evening, my eyes get stuck to a paradise.

On the dark top of never ending Himalayas is a small but visible bunch of white illuminates lighting a place, which certainly does replicates my imagination of Heaven.
Its been daisy day today, the sky is clear and the moon looks no-where, a serene wind is passing by my ears, talking to me in a language never been done before.
The illuminates are not allowing my eyes off...
the depth of darkness is reminding me off all my mistakes..
the illumination is calling me its way.
I know its him, such a treasure place could only belong to him.
I want to go to him,
I want to sleep in his arms
I want to desire my life to him.
such pure place could only be a Temple, a place where I can walk 'a walk' with my soul.

I wonder when can I go there..

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